Getting started
Learn how to get Elsa Workflows set up in your project in under ten minutes or it's free.
Follow the quickstarts to get started in no time.
Setup preview feeds and install packages.
Learn about fundamental Elsa concepts.
Follow the guides to learn more about how everything works together.
Craft workflows using C#
Workflows can be defined using plain C# code. In addition to an increasing number of activities that you can choose from, Elsa is designed to be extensible with your own custom activities.
public class HelloWorldWorkflow : IWorkflow
public void Build(IWorkflowBuilder builder)
Short-running Workflows can be useful to implement a business rules engine, while long-running workflows greatly simplify the implementation of complex processes that involve coordinating between multiple agents (users & machines).
Design workflows using the Workflow Designer
The Workflow Designer is a 100% client-side web component that can be re-used in any application, and allows you to easily design workflows. Workflows can be exported as JSON files, which can then be executed using the Elsa Core API.
Manage Workflows using the dashboard
Workflows can be defined using plain C# code. In addition to an increasing number of activities that you can choose from, Elsa is designed to be extensible with your own custom activities.