
Installing Elsa Designer

The dashboard is implemented as the <elsa-studio-dashboard> component, and is typically used like this:

<elsa-studio-root server-url="https://your-elsa-server" monaco-lib-path="path/to/monaco-editor/min" config="path/to/optional/designer.config.json">
  <!-- The root dashboard component -->

Instead of embedding the full Elsa Dashboard UI web component into your web app, you can opt to embed lower-level individual components instead. The dashboard component uses routing to individual page component, which in turn each embed screen components. These screen components are designed for reuse into your own application, if you want to. One such screen component is the <elsa-workflow-definition-editor-screen/> component, which itself wraps the <elsa-designer-tree/> component, which is ultimately responsible for rendering the workflow diagram.

The following snippet demonstrates using the <elsa-workflow-definition-editor-screen/> component

This snippet assumes that the component library is provided by the Elsa.Designer.Bindings.Web NuGet package as outlined in Installing Elsa Dashboard. If you install the NPM package directly, it is up to you to also install the Monaco Editor package as outlined further down below.

<elsa-studio-root server-url="https://your-elsa-server" monaco-lib-path="path/to/monaco-editor/min" config="path/to/optional/designer.config.json">
    <!-- The workflow definition editor screen component -->
    <elsa-workflow-definition-editor-screen workflow-definition-id="some-workflow-definition-id" />

Monaco Editor

Elsa uses the Monaco Editor package for the expression editors. When using the Elsa.Designer.Bindings.Web NuGet package, this library will already be provided as embedded assets that you can include in your HTML document (see Installing Elsa Dashboard). But if you installed the Elsa Workflow Designer NPM package directly, you need to also install the Monaco Editor NPM package and copy its contents to a location that can be accessed the same way as other assets from your web application.

For example, if you copied the contents of monaco-editor folder from node_modules to wwwroot/js/monaco-editor in some ASP.NET Core application, you need to specify /js/monaco-editor/min as the value for the monaco-lib-path attribute:

<elsa-studio-root server-url="https://your-elsa-server" monaco-lib-path="/js/monaco-editor/min">

You're not limited to using the Elsa web components in ASP.NET Core applications. It also works with regular HTML pages, ReactJS, Angular, Vue, etc.
